Monday, July 29, 2013

RPNM Calls Upon Pat Davis to Step Down from Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers

ALBUQUERUQE – The Republican Party of New Mexico calls upon Pat Davis to step down from his position with the Albuquerque Metro Crime Stoppers immediately, due to his arrest this past weekend.
"Mr. Davis has always taken it upon himself to point out perceived inadequacies in others and call for resignations for much lesser offenses, and it is time that he realizes that this is a two-way street,” said RPNM Chairman John Billingsley."If he chooses not to address his dangerous actions by stepping aside, his hypocrisy is unmatched.”
"It is unacceptable for one to serve in leadership for Crime Stoppers, whose role is to protect the community, and then to put others in danger by selfish actions—as Davis did this weekend,” continued Billingsley."His actions are in stark contrast to the principles and values of the organization we all respect, and he should relinquish his leadership role with the organization.”

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